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Google Drive + Google Forms Integrations provides seamless integration between popular SaaS applications, allowing you to automate and streamline your workflows. One powerful integration is between Google Drive and Google Forms, enabling you to effortlessly connect the two apps.

Example Google Drive + Google Forms integrations

Google Drive iconarrow_forwardGoogle Forms icon

Automatically copy form in Google Forms for each folder created in Google Drive

Google Forms iconarrow_forwardGoogle Drive icon

Create folder automatically in Google Drive for each form response submitted in Google Forms

Google Drive iconarrow_forwardGoogle Forms icon

Share form automatically in Google Forms for each file added to folder in Google Drive

Create your own Google Drive + Google Forms integration

Connect Google Drive to Google Forms

Select a trigger in Google Drive
Select an action in Google Forms
Create your workflow

Or, connect Google Forms to Google Drive

Select a trigger in Google Forms
Select an action in Google Drive
Create your workflow

Do more with Google Drive and Google Forms in

Relay provides a seamless integration between Google Drive and Google Forms, enabling users to enhance their workflows and streamline data collection and analysis. By combining these two powerful tools, users can leverage the data storage capabilities of Google Drive and the form creation and response collection features of Google Forms.

File Automation

Integrating Google Drive and Google Forms with Relay allows for automated file management. Users can automatically save form responses as files in specific folders in Google Drive, ensuring organized and easily accessible data.

Try Relay for free today and streamline your workflow with the powerful integration between Google Drive and Google Forms, along with other popular SaaS products.

Ready to start connecting Google Drive and Google Forms?

Sign up now and get started with your first workflow today

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